Embedding Innovation to Fuel Growth

Practice Area #4:

When growth opportunities are too narrowly focused on what the organization already knows how to do, then opportunities for growth are too limited.

Mature businesses tend to accept that they can sustain themselves by making minor enhancements over time. The problem that evolves is one of complacency – a loss of energy and imagination. Efforts to differentiate from competitors become less meaningful to consumers and contribute less to business improvement as a result. Even operationally excellent companies may find it difficult to identify sufficient growth opportunities.

We believe the solution often lies in more innovation across the enterprise. For such companies, innovation is not only a growth strategy, but may also be necessary for survival. And, as we see it, an enabled marketing function should be expected to shepherd innovation as a process cross-functionally.

Our focus on innovation is specific to scalable opportunities which leverage organizational competencies for new revenue streams. Innovation that lives alongside operational excellence characterizes highly successful companies.

We believe meaningful innovation rarely happens by chance – it must be installed as an ongoing process and developed as a cultural discipline.

Let’s Get to Work.